The Virtual Assistant Showdown: 5cvas vs. Time etc. — Finding Your Perfect Fit

3 min readApr 26, 2024


In today’s dynamic business landscape, virtual assistants (VAs) have become an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. They offer a cost-effective way to free up valuable time, allowing you to focus on core strategic tasks. But with a growing number of VA service providers, choosing the right one can be a challenge. Two of the leading contenders are 5cvas and Time etc. Let’s delve into a breakdown of their key features to help you decide which one best suits your needs.

Cost Considerations:

  • 5cvas: Offers a competitive price point of $9 per hour. This makes them a budget-friendly option for businesses looking for a cost-effective solution. They also boast a transparent pricing structure with no hidden fees or long-term contracts, allowing for flexible scaling based on your needs.
  • Time etc.: Pricing starts at $370 per month for 10 hours of service. While not the most expensive option on the market, it can be significantly higher than 5cvas, especially for businesses requiring a larger pool of hours. Their pricing structure can also be less transparent, with some users reporting additional fees outside the base monthly cost.

Service Offerings:

  • 5cvas: Offers a wide range of services, including basic administrative tasks like scheduling and data entry to more specialized areas like web design, social media management, and even graphic design. This makes them a versatile option for businesses with diverse needs. Importantly, 5cvas allows you to customize your service package, selecting only the services you require.
  • Time etc.: Focuses primarily on core administrative and executive assistant services like email management, calendar management, and travel planning. While they offer some additional services like research and bookkeeping, the selection is not as comprehensive as 5cvas. Their service packages are pre-defined, which may not be ideal for businesses seeking a more tailored solution.

Virtual Assistant Location:

  • 5cvas: Provides virtual assistants based in the USA. This offers several advantages, including clear communication due to shared time zones and cultural understanding.
  • Time etc.: While they have a global network of virtual assistants, the specific location may not always be readily apparent. This can sometimes lead to communication challenges due to time zone differences and potential cultural barriers.

Focus and Experience:

  • 5cvas: Takes a client-centric approach, focusing on building strong relationships with their clients and understanding their specific needs. They offer a variety of resources and tools to help clients onboard their virtual assistants and ensure a smooth working experience.
  • Time etc.: Their primary focus seems to be on larger businesses and entrepreneurs. While they offer a strong reputation in the industry, their onboarding process and client support may not be as personalized compared to 5cvas.

The Final Verdict:

Both 5cvas and Time etc. are reputable VA service providers with their own strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide:

  • Choose 5cvas if: You are budget-conscious and require a wide range of services with a high level of customization. You value clear communication and prefer US-based virtual assistants.
  • Choose Time etc. if: You want to spend more money on the same quality labor.

Ultimately, the best way to choose is to explore both options and consider your specific needs and budget. Many providers offer free trials, allowing you to experience the service firsthand before making a commitment.

